This is the time!
#AdjoaTalks Focus is all you need. You can't say you have a hold of your life and dreams if you haven't got focus. It is focus that will help you recognize all the available resources essential for building your life. Focus keeps you alert, sober and conscious of every step you take. Now what is focus? Focus is a self initiated effort to keep your eyes on a particular thing and not allowing other things affect your dedication to that thing you have your eyes on. So how do you keep focused? The fact that you have your eyes on a particular thing doesn't mean other things are not important too. It's just that you don't allow the effect of other things your are doing or have done find it's way into your focus and cause any havoc. Here are a few steps I recommend you take to keep your focus: • Give yourself a reason why you want to dedicate your focus on that thing. • Tell yourself how important that reason is and of course keep reminding yourself of ...