What I learned about menstruation and what you should know too.

Hi, it's me again! 😊

This whole year right from the beginning has been a little awkward for me in terms of menstruation.
Every month, it came with its own problems. It either delayed four days after my proposed time of menstruation or it would come earlier than the supposed time.
Sometimes it comes at the beginning and the next two months, it comes at the end.
I grew concerned just this month when I realised I had to start keeping track and record of my menstruation. And I made this choice because, this month's came at another unusual time and with some changes in my body I never anticipated; I had weak knees, tired body and severe pains I was only able to minimise by taking pain killers.
So, I did a little reading around and found some useful tips for getting your menstrual health right.
I have grouped my findings into some few categories. So! Let's start reading the real deal! 😉

Category 1,
Keep track and record of your menstruation.📔
Believe this or not, it is really helpful if you start writing a journal on your menstruation, or keeping record in your dairy on the type of flow (in terms of heaviness), your mood everyday, changes that occur in your body parts (like how tired you're feeling all over your body, how certain parts are aching and how certain parts of your body has changed colours) and
the starting and ending date and time .
Keep this record and analyse the trends every quarter of the year, this will help you get to know your body better and make accurate predictions that will help you make an effective  menstrual cycle and how to prepare for your menstruation every other month for healthy menstrual living.
Personally,I found this app really useful;  Flow. It helps you track your menstruation, create a personalised menstrual cycle for you over time, records the changes in your body and suggest articles that'll inform you on healthy decisions for your menstruation and general health as a woman. You can download it and try it out too if you hate writing in dairies or journals like myself.

Category 2,
Do period exercise 🤸
When you exercise your body during your menstruation, it helps to tone your blood flow throughout your body, it helps relax your abnormally stretched body tissues, it keeps you up and active and less lazy~tired (if you get what I mean 😉) .
So now how do you exercise and when?
Preferably, I'd recommend you exercise early in the morning after waking up or before you sleep and for a minimum of  15 minutes.
Personally, I follow the period exercise on Roberta's gym on You Tube. You can click on it and follow the exercises.

Category 3.
Drink a lot of water 🥛
During your menstruation, your body feels mostly tired due to the excessive contraction that occur in your reproductive system. Your body is generally overworked and so will be needing a lot of water to keep hydrated. The minimum amount of water should be 2.7 Litters, that's 11 glasses . You might want to avoid drinking a lot of cold water too, as this my negatively affect your health.

Category 4
Sleep is very necessary 😴
Your body is generally feeling overwhelmed in this period of the month, it is only wise if you took at least 6 hours of your busy schedule to sleep to help relax your tired body. When you sleep, it is like a natural DIY spa work on your body, but just that it's for free! Who wouldn't like to explore this spa? 🤷

Category 5
Eat healthy 🥗
In this period of the month and even not just this period alone, make it a point to eat a lot of vitamin, iron and calcium containing food.
You can make it a priority to eat three different fruits and a lot more veggies per day.
I'd recommend oranges🍊, avocado🥑, banana🍌, apple🍏, watermelon , mango 🍋,pineapple🍍,grapes🍇and others you mostly like to enjoy;  for the fruits.
Also, I'd recommend you eat a lot of the green veggies, I'm not specifying now because your body might react differently to different veggies, so that becomes your choice to make!🤗

Eat some sweets ❕, to help induce relaxation into your system. But be careful, cos too much sweets can also increase your sugar level, which is bad to your health! ❕❕
I hope this blog post was helpful!
Let me know what you think in your comments, feel free and ask any questions on your mind concerning this.
Happy living!
Best regards,


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